The petrochemical industry plays a pivotal role in producing versatile and essential materials. However, the process of refining crude oil to create plastics and other materials generates highly toxic waste streams. These waste streams pose significant environmental risks and require substantial treatment costs. From laboratory work we have carried out in-house, we have found that while WAO often falls short of treating these wastes, COD reduction of > 99% is possible in a single step process: AquaCritox® SCWO.
AquaCritox SCWO has been demonstrated at the laboratory and pilot scale to provided 99.9+% COD of Propylene Oxide / Styrene Monomer waste. Similar results have been obtained for polyol wastes, polymer resin, and other chemical production wastes. SCFI has a wide variety of treatment options for various petrochemical wastes, ranging from easy-to-treat wastewaters to the most recalcitrant organic and inorganic wastes.
Please see our technologies and case studies below for more information, and don’t hesitate to contact us.