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Water Treatment

The water treatment industry has been changing rapidly in recent years. Sludge management, emerging contaminants and increasingly stringent discharge limits are the latest challenges. The traditional approaches to wastewater treatment are no longer enough. SCFI was founded with the aim of revolutionising the water treatment industry by releasing the power of Supercritical Water Oxidation (SCWO). SCWO offers permanent destruction of the toughest-to-treat contaminants and the replacement of much of the infrastructure of traditional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with a single system.

Throughout SCFI’s journey, the company has developed a number of hydrothermal oxidation technologies based on the same principle: oxidising contaminants at conditions optimised for each type of waste, providing the best results for hard-to-treat streams. For water treatment applications, AquaCritox® SCWO is usually the best solution. SCWO can treat primary and secondary sludges as well as streams laden with emerging contaminants such as PFAS (forever chemicals) and any other organic contaminants. SCWO does not just move contaminants from one stream to another; it destroys them forever. The products of the SCWO system for wastewater applications are clean water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and an odourless, inert ash primarily made up of silica. The system offer 99.9+% destruction of all organic contaminants, leading to a treated water that is safe for discharge.

Beyond treating emerging contaminants, AquaCritox SCWO offers a drastic improvement in system capacity compared to anaerobic digesters. Digesters have residence times in the range from 20-30 days; AquaCritox can achieve better results at only 20-30 seconds of residence time. The benefit is a system with a much smaller footprint and a larger capacity. The AquaCritox system also offers best-in-class energy recovery because it uses the chemical energy in the feed to heat the system. For strong feeds, it can operate at steady state with little to no energy input and can even generate significant amounts of steam (if required) or electrical energy. AquaCritox is the Smarter Environmental Technology that you need to transform operations at your wastewater treatment plant.

Please see our technologies and case studies below for more information, and don’t hesitate to contact us.
